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Wannabe 400 owner checking in.

2K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by  Kiwi Rider 
#1 · (Edited)
Hello! My name's Al and I live way down in Southern New Zealand at around 45 degrees south of the equator.
I'm 48 and have been riding since I was about 10 yrs old, starting on my fathers sheep farm. After a couple of dirt bikes I got my first road bike when I was 18 and the love affair has continued for the last 30 years. I've done a lot of touring and have seen a fair bit of the world from the seat of a motorcycle.
About fours ago I got into sealed circuit racing and I currently race a Suzuki SV650 in the Formula 3 class, also called superlite here in NZ.
My last road bike was a CBR300R and I'm now looking for something with a little more pep for passing quicker and safer. It would be fair to say I'm a sports rider, just love riding the wheels off small bikes that are easy to throw around and dont pull crazy speeds that are going to get you into trouble.
So I think the new Ninja 400 will fit the bill nicely!
Discussion starter · #4 ·
@talon Give us a yell Becky if you end up booking a holiday here and I'll give you a few ideas. Most overseas riders enjoy NZ for the scenery and relatively low volume of traffic on the roads. But it is increasing as the population grows (nudging 5 million) and tourism expands. I don't think you and your husband would be disappointed. Were you thinking of renting bikes here or shipping your own over?

@NinjaRyder Ha ha, I get asked that a lot. Have you ever heard the expression 'It's more fun to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow? Well it took me a few years to work that one out for myself. The Ninja 400 will be my 17th motorcycle purchase and I've had everything from 100cc to 900cc. Singles(9), Vee twins(3) flat twin, Vee four, In-line fours (2) but the Ninja will be my first parallel twin so something different again. Looking forward to trying something new!
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